Wacana: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Interdisiplin is a journal that uses a blind peer review model that can be accessed online. The purpose of Wacana: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Interdisiplin is to publish a journal containing quality articles that will be able to contribute thoughts from a theoretical and empirical perspective in society and humanities at a regional, national, and global scale.

The writings at Wacana: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Interdisiplin will significantly contribute to critical thinking in the area of Politic and Government. The scope of the fields contained in Wacana: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Interdisiplin covers the following areas:

  • Decentralization and Local Goverment ; 
  • Open Government;
  • Public Policy;
  • Political Party and Election;
  • Democracy, Civil Society;
  • Political Identity
  • Comunity Development; 
  • Study  of Issues about Politic and Government; 

Articles published on research results and literature review with acceptable research methodologies, qualitative studies, quantitative studies, or a combination of both, statistical analysis, case studies, field research, and historical studies. Wacana: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Interdisiplin received manuscripts from various related circles, such as relevant researchers, professors, students, policy-makers, scientists, and others.