
  • Purnamasari
  • Ricky Zulfauzan Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Wijoko Lertariono Universitas Palangka Raya


Effectiveness, Community Service, Mungku Baru District


This study aims to determine and explain the effectiveness of community services at the Mungku  Baru Village Office, Rakumpit District and to find out and explain what are the supporters and  obstacles in community service at the Mungku Baru Village Office, Rakumpit District. The data  collection method used in this study is the Documentation, Observation and Interview method.  The results of the study were analyzed through descriptive methods describing how the level of  effectiveness of community services in Mungku Baru Village, Rakumpit District, Palangka Raya  City and the inhibiting and supporting factors of service effectiveness, the data used in this study  is primary data and secondary data with research subjects consisting of the Mungku Baru  Village Government, the Mungku Baru Village Office and the Mungku Baru Village community.  The results showed that the effectiveness of community services in Mungku Baru Village,  Rakumpit District, Palangka Raya City, researchers saw the success that showed the extent to which the plan could be achieved. The more plans that can be achieved, the more effective the  activity will be, so that the word effectiveness can also be interpreted as the level of success that  can be achieved from a certain method or effort in accordance with the objectives to be  achieved. With benchmarks using the theory of Gibson 2013 (a) Clarity of Goals Achieved. (b)  Clarity of Strategy for Achievement of Goals. (c) Careful Planning. (d) Proper Programming. (d)  Availability of facilities and infrastructure. The researcher concludes that Mungku Baru Village,  Rakumpit District, in this case the effectiveness of community services in Mungku Baru Village,  Rakumpit District, Palangka Raya City is still less effective for the community. The supporting  and inhibiting factors of Service Effectiveness for the Mungku Baru community, namely Human  Resources (HR) who are capable of adequate, professional work and facilities and infrastructure  to be able to support the continuity of services. In addition, community empowerment is also very  important and is something that must be done considering the rapid economic and technological  growth in recent times.


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How to Cite

Purnamasari, Ricky Zulfauzan, & Wijoko Lertariono. (2021). EFEKTIVITAS PELAYANAN MASYARAKAT DI KANTOR KELURAHAN MUNGKU BARU KECAMATAN RAKUMPIT KOTA PALANGKA RAYA. Wacana: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik Interdisiplin, 8(2), 295–305. Retrieved from https://e-journal.upr.ac.id/index.php/Jwcn/article/view/3657
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