TUPAI ENDEMIK DI KALIMANTAN Endemic Plant Shrew in Kalimantan

Satrio Wibowo


  • Administrator Journal


Tree shrews, Endemic, Kalimantan


A study have done by scientists on plant shrews in Kalimantan, as result indicated there were five endemic plant
shrews, Dendrogale melanura, Tupaia dorsalis, T. montana, T. picta dan T. splendidula. They appoint to endemic
especially Kalimantan were estimated consequence formed barrier on the era broken Kalimantan from motherterrestrial Asia on Pleocene epoc (estimated two million years ago). Untill now there have been opposite proceeds
on the plant shrews ancestor, many scientists said they were inherited from Primate order and the others said they
were insectivores, but the recent taxonomy to classify into Scandentia order. The shrews have insectivore and
frugivore characters. Whereas the Bornean nonendemic shrews among other things Tupaia glis, T. minor and
Ptilicercus lowi, because theyhave been found in outside of Kalimantan area.
Keywords: Tree shrews, Endemic, Kalimantan


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How to Cite

Journal, A. (2019). TUPAI ENDEMIK DI KALIMANTAN Endemic Plant Shrew in Kalimantan: Satrio Wibowo. Agrienvi: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian, 13(01), 25–33. Retrieved from https://e-journal.upr.ac.id/index.php/aev/article/view/193
Abstract viewed = 191 times

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