Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023): GROWTH : Journal Magister Ilmu Ekonomi Universitas Palangka Raya
Socioeconomic and Environmental Effects of Gold Mining in Paring Lahung, Montallat District, North Barito Regency
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How Investment, Wage Rates, and Output Impact Screen Printers Need for Workers in Palangka Raya
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Plantation Sector in Central Kalimantan Province: Optimization of Production Factor Use
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Kameloh Baru Village: A Case Study on the Impacts of Unlicensed Gold Mining on the Local Economy and the Environment Use
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Kalimantan Region Economic Growth and Poverty as Analyzed by Capital Expenditures, Human Development Index, and Inflation
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Central Kalimantan Province's District and City Macroeconomics, Community Savings, and Economic Development
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