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A Review: Development of Photocatalyst Materials and Its Performance for Humic Acid Removal in Peatwater




Humic acid, Metal oxides, Peat water, Perovskite, Photocatalytic


Peat is a wetland region in Indonesia with a very high water storage capacity. However, the amount of humic compounds obtained from the accumulation of organic substances in peat makes the water unable to be used for daily purposes. Peat water treatment with several methods has been carried out, such as coagulation, electrocoagulation, flocculation, and filtration. However, the result of clumping or filtering in such a way raises new environmental problems. One method which effective and efficient used in peat water treatment is photocatalytic. Several materials based-semiconductor was developed as a photocatalyst, another modification of photocatalyst is combining the adsorbent as a porous supporting photocatalyst which can improve its performance.


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How to Cite

Beladona, S. U. M., Putra, R., Alfanaar, R., Sylvani, M. M., Alyatikah, E., Safitri, R., Susanti, I., & Iqbal, R. M. (2022). A Review: Development of Photocatalyst Materials and Its Performance for Humic Acid Removal in Peatwater. Journal of Peat Science and Innovation, 1(1), 1–15.
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