Kata kunci: Search Engine, Self-Regulated Learning, Internet, Mahasiswa.Abstract
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada atau tidak hubungan
penggunaan search engine terhadap pengembangan self-regulated learning pada
mahasiswa Teknologi Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Makassar. Penelitian ini
menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian yaitu ex post facto.
Populasinya adalah mahasiswa angkatan 2020 dan 2021 mahasiswa Teknologi
Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Makassar, sejumlah 150. Pengambilan sampel dipilih
dengan teknik Random Sampling. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini yaitu 60
responden (40%) dari 150 jumlah populasi. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di kampus
Prodi Teknologi Pendidikan FIP UNM, kemudian variabel dalam penelitian ini yaitu
search engine (X) dan self-regulated learning (Y). Analisis data menggunakan
analisis statistik desktriptif, uji prasyarat, dan uji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa (1) intensitas penggunaan search engine pada mahasiswa
berada pada kategori sedang, (2) kemampuan self-regulated learning pada
mahasiswa berada pada kategori sedang, dan (3) ada hubungan pada penggunaan
search engine terhadap pengembangan self-regulated learning pada mahasiswa
Teknologi Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Makassar
This research aims to know whether there is a relationship between search usage or
not engine for the development of self-regulated learning in technology students
Makassar State University Education. This research uses an approach quantitative
with a research design that is ex post facto. The population is Class of 2020 and
2021 University Educational Technology students Makassar State, a total of 150.
Samples were selected using techniques Random Sampling. The number of
samples in this study was 60 respondents (40%) of 150 population. The research
location was carried out on the Technology Study Program campus FIP UNM
education, then the variable in this research is search engines (X) and self-regulated
learning (Y). Data analysis uses statistical analysis descriptive, simple linear
regression analysis, prerequisite testing, and hypothesis testing. Results research
shows that (1) the intensity of search engine use in students are in the medium
category, (2) self-regulated learning ability students are in the medium category, and
(3) there is a relationship between the use of search engines for the development of
self-regulated learning in Makassar State University Educational Technology student.