PRESTASI KERJA KEGIATAN PENEBANGAN PT. BINA MULTI ALAM LESTARI DI KALIMANTAN TENGAH (Work Achievement Felling Activities PT. Bina Multi Alam Lestari in Central Kalimantan)

I Nyoman Surasana, Moh. Rizal, Jessika Simamora


  • Admin JHT


Kata Kunci:

work result, felling, work achievement, working time.


The objectives of the research were to find out the composition of pure and general
working time to total working time, work achievement of each felling team and average
work performance of all felling teams at the level of the sample size that was appropriate
for a research. The research method is Non Stop Method with t Test analysis. Felling
workers observed were 3 (three) teams, samples were 35 trees/team or total sample were
105 trees for 3 felling teams. The results showed that the average work time of the day:
Team I = 191.33 minutes / day, Team II = 202.33 minutes / day, Team III = 190.00
minutes / day, with average score (for the three squads ) = 194,55 minutes / day. Average
working time composition (for all felling teams) in a day: Total Working Time (TWT) =
194.55 minutes / day, Pure Work Time (PWT) = 179.02 minutes / day (92.01% of TWT )
and General Working Time (GWT) = 15.53 minutes / day (7.99% of TWT). Average
felling result: Team I = 50.03 m3 / day, Team II = 100.76 m3 / day, Team III = 63.25 m3
/ day, with average score (for the three teams) = 72.01. Felling performance: Team I =
16.32 m3 / hr, Team II = 29.88 m3 / hr, Team III = 19.97 m3 / hr, with average score (for
the three teams) = 22.06 m3 / hour. The result of t test shows the performance of Team
II is bigger than Team I and Team III, whereas Team I work achievement is not
significantly different from Team III. The minimum number of samples required for the
validity of this study was 61 units, while the number of samples that had been observed
reached 105 units.
Keywords: work result, felling, work achievement, working time.


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