
  • Ahmad Saepuddin Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Priyo Heru Adiwibowo Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Novi Sukma Drastiawati Universitas Negeri Surabaya



Mesin sizing, penyortir biji kopi, Kopi, Perencanaan


The aim of the research is to design a tool that can assist coffee farmers in determining the quality of the coffee beans produced according to the desired grade value of the coffee beans. The tool is designed to be able to fulfill the functional value produced by the tool. So that farmers can work fast, save time in the process of grading and sorting coffee beans, able to minimize operational costs, and save energy. With an electric motor power of 1 hp, the sizing machine is capable of sorting coffee with a capacity of ±250 kg/hour, therefore a day's the process of sorting 500 kg of coffee can be achieved in less than 2 hours. This really helps coffee farmers in determining the quality of coffee beans without taking a long time.


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How to Cite

Saepuddin, A., Adiwibowo, . P. H. ., & Drastiawati, N. S. . (2024). PERANCANGAN PROTOTIPE SIZING MACHINE GUNA MEMPERMUDAH PEMILAHAN BIJI KOPI. Steam Engineering, 5(2), 81–87.
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