Pendapatan, Retrun Cost Ratio (R/C), Usahatani TomatAbstract
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran umum usahatani tomat dan analisis pendapatan usahatani tomat serta nisbah pendapatan usahatani tomat di Kelurahan Kalampangan. Hasil analisis deskriptif gambaran umum usahatani tomat di Kelurahan Kalampangan. Petani tomat menggunakan benih serpo dan gustavi. Pengolahan lahan dilakukan dengan cara mencangkul tipis-tipis tanah hingga gembur serta menaburkan rata-rata 3 sak kapur dan 10 sak kotoran ayam. Pemupukan dilakukan rata-rata 4 kali dalam satu musim tanam. Perawatan dilakukan secara bertahap yang berupa penyiraman, penyemprotan dan menghilangkan gulma. Pemasangan tiang dan tali dilakukan secara bertahap, pemasangan tiang hanya sekali sedangkan pemasangan tali dilakukan rata-rata sebanyak 5 kali dalam satu musim tanam. Pemanenan dilakukan setiap dua hari sekali. Alokasi waktu tenaga kerja petani tomat sebesar 81 HOK. Kendala yang dihadapi petani tomat berupa harga benih dan pupuk yang terlalu mahal serta kurangnya pendampingan dari penyuluh setempat. Hasil analisis pendapatan Usahatani tomat di Kelurahan Kalampangan menunjukkan Rata-rata pendapatan petani tomat sebesar Rp 4.672.794 dengan rata-rata penerimaan (TR) sebesar Rp 6.560.000 dan rata-rata total biaya (TC) sebesar Rp 1.887.206. dengan nisbah pendapatan / Retrun Cost Ratio (R/C) sebesar 3, 43 dengan kata lain R/C > 2 yang diartikan bahwa usahatani tomat di Kelurahan Kalmpangan Kota Palangka Raya menguntungkan untuk diusahakan.
This study aims to analysiss descriptiveto determine a general over view tomato farm and analysis of income tomato farming and tomato farming income ratio in Sub Kalampangan. The results of analysis descriptive of the general description of farming tomato in Kalampangan Village. Tomato growers use serpo and gustavi seeds. Land processing is carried out by hoeing the soil until it is loose and sprinkling an average of 3 sacks of lime and 10 sacks of chicken manure. Fertilization is done an average of 4 times in one growing season. Treatment is carried out in stages in the form of watering, spraying and removing weeds. The installation of poles and ropes is carried out in stages, installing the poles only once, while the installation of ropes is done an average of 5 times in one growing season. Harvesting is Yolanda Br Ginting, H. A. Zaki Yamani, Revi Sunaryati ANALISIS PENDAPATAN USAHATANI TOMAT (Lycopersicum esculentum) DI KELURAHAN KALAMPANGAN KOTA PALANGKA RAYA done every two days. The allocation of labor time for tomato farmers is 81 HOK. The obstacles faced by tomato farmers include the price of seeds and fertilizers which are too expensive and the lack of assistance from local extension workers. The results of the analysis of tomato farming income in Kalampangan Village showed that the average income of tomato farmers was IDR 4,672,794 with an average income (TR) of IDR 6,560,000and an average total cost (TC) of IDR 1,887,206. with an income ratio / Retrun Cost Ratio (R / C) of 3.43 in other words, R / C> 2 which means that tomato farming in Kalampangan Village, Palangka Raya City is profitable to cultivate. Keywords: Income, Return Cost Ratio (R/C), Tomato Farming
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