Vol. 4 No. 2 (2018): Journal Magister Ilmu Ekonomi Universitas Palangka Raya,Journal Growth
Analysis of Determinants of Economic Growth in Central Kalimantan Province
Abstract views: 132 times
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Role Rattan Industry Subsector analysis of the Economy of Palangka Raya City
Abstract views: 46 times
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Financial Capability Analysis in Central Kalimantan Province Before and After Regional Autonomy
Abstract views: 69 times
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Analysis of Government Expenditures, Private Investment and Gross Regional Domestic Products on Absorption of Labor in Kalimantan
Abstract views: 90 times
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Analysis of the Effect of Government Expenditures, Inflation, and Labor on the Economic Growth of the City of Palangka Raya
Abstract views: 20 times
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Effect of Village Fund Programs on Employment Opportunities, Economic Growth, Poverty Levels, and Equitable Income in Central Kalimantan
Abstract views: 36 times
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