RESPON PERTUMBUHAN JELUTUNG RAWA (Dyera polyphylla (Miq).V. Steenis.) TERHADAP PUPUK NPK PADA LAHAN GAMBUT (Respons of Jelutung (Dyera polyphylla (Miq).V. Steenis.) toward NPK Manure on the Peat Land)

Christopheros, Gimson Luhan, V.S.G. Nyahu dan Johansyah


  • Admin JHT


Kata Kunci:

plant growth, NPK, peat, jelutung swamp.


The National Movement for Forest and Land Rehabilitation Program (GNRHL or
Gerhan) proclaimed in 2003, it is advisable to plant timber species, superior plant
species, endemic plants and multipurpose species. Jelutung swamp (Dyera polyphylla
Miq. Steenis.) Is one of the types that fulfill the criteria, so it is promoted as a type of
forest and peatland rehabilitation. The basic consideration of swamp jelutung has a good
adaptability and is tested on peatlands, its growth is relatively fast and can be cultivated
with minimal land manipulation, and can be obtained the result of double result that is
wood and sap. Peat soils have relatively low productivity due to poor nutrients, so need
to pay attention to the nutrient needs of the plants. The solution needs to be done
fertilization, you should use a complete fertilizer type such as NPK. Selection of NPK
Mutiara fertilizer because it includes inorganic fertilizer that has the advantage that is, the
provision of fertilizer can be measured and the dosage is right. The objective of this
research is to know how to fertilize and dose of NPK Mutiara fertilizer which gives
optimum growth on swamp jelutung plant. The expected benefits are as material
information and consideration of the selection of species for reforestation and
rehabilitation of peatlands that want to develop the type of jelutung swamp plants.
Keywords: plant growth, NPK, peat, jelutung swamp.


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