The Work-life Balance on Civil Servants Performance through Organizational Commitment as a mediator


  • Immanuel Setiapati Saka Soebagijo Palangkaraya University



Work-life balance, Organizational commitment, Performance


ObjectivesThis study aims to provide an empirical explanation of the influence of the work-life balance on civil servants performance with organizational commitment as a mediating variable.

Design/Methodology/ApproachThis  study  used  a  saturating  sample  size  of  59 sample  from  the Central Borneo Regional Development Planning and Regional Research and Development Agency  as  its  unit  of analysis. SmartPLS was used to perform a Likert-scale analysis on the gathered data.

FindingsThe results showed that the Work-life Balance has a significant effect on the performance of the employees, and the Organizational Commitment variable has a significant effect in strengthening the relationship between Work-life Balance and the Performance of employees.

Conclusions and Implications - Work-life balance directly or through organizational commitment has a positive influence on ASN performance. Bappedalitbang of Central Kalimantan Province can maintain work-life balance and maintain organizational commitment to improve ASN performance.


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How to Cite

Soebagijo, I. S. S. (2023). The Work-life Balance on Civil Servants Performance through Organizational Commitment as a mediator. Jurnal Manajemen Sains Dan Organisasi, 4(3), 287–298.
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