Advertising, Brand Trust, Product Review, Purchase DecisionAbstract
Objective – This research aims to analyze how much influence the use of Instagram by Skintific on consumer purchase decisions.
Design/Methodology/Approach – The research method used is quantitative with a survey design. The sample was taken randomly from as many as 101 respondents from various regions in Tasikmalaya. The analysis was performed using SPSS software version 27.0.
Findings – The study's findings indicate that advertising, brand trust, and product reviews have a significant positive impact on the decision to purchase Skintific skincare products through Instagram in the Tasikmalaya region.
Conclusion and Implications – The strategy of using social media Instagram was able to bring Skintific to be known very widely. Once consumers get to know a brand, then direct them to explore and observe product reviews from other consumers. Then consumers will judge the products they buy to create brand trust in Skintific skincare products.
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