The Influence of PBL Model in Improving Students' Problem Solving and Communication Skills in the Independent Curriculum of SMP Negeri 1 Yogyakarta


  • Princes Thesalonika Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta



Problem-Solving Ability, Communication, Independent Curriculum


During the Covid-19 Pandemic Indonesia experienced a learning crisis. For this reason, the government needs a solution to help recover the learning crisis by implementing the Independent Curriculum in schools. This research aims to see that the PBL model can improve problem-solving and mathematical communication skills using a contextual approach. The research method used is an experimental method with a quasi-experimental type. The students of class VII junior high school with one variable system of linear equations. The test to see problem-solving and communication skills uses a pretest and posttest. The results were that the problem-solving ability pretest got a 28 and a communication score of 29. This has not yet reached completeness. After being given the treatment of students, the results of the post-test of problem-solving abilities get an average score of 75 while the post-test of communication skills is 78. The average score on problem-solving and communication abilities fulfills the KKTP which is 75. So it can be concluded that the PBL Model can improve problem-solving skills and mathematical communication using a contextual approach.


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How to Cite

Thesalonika, P. (2025). The Influence of PBL Model in Improving Students’ Problem Solving and Communication Skills in the Independent Curriculum of SMP Negeri 1 Yogyakarta. Jurnal Pendidikan, 25(2), 89–99.
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