The Correlation Utilization Of Learning Facilities and Learning Independence With Mathematics Learning Outcome Of Grade VIII Students In Islamic Junior School


  • Pancarita Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Desti haryani Universitas Palangka Raya



Utilization of Learning Facilities, Independence Learning , Learning Outcome.


This research aimed to determine: 1) coefficient Correlation between
the utilization of learning facilities with mathematics learning outcome. 2)
coefficient correlation between independence learning with mathematics learning outcome. 3) coefficient correlation utilization of learning facilities
and learning independence with mathematics learning outcome.
The research was conducted in the even semester of 2019. The sample
in this research was selected from the whole population of students of
Grade VIII in An Nur Islamic Junior School Palangka Raya in 2018/2019
Academic Year, in total 78 students. Type of this research is correlational.
Two instruments used in this research were questionnaires and tests.
Questionnaires of utilization of learning facilities consists of 24 valid
statements with 0,78 reliability coefficient, questionnaires of independence
learning consists of 24 valid statements with 0,90 reliability coefficient, and
the mathematics learning outcome test consists of 25 valid items with a
reliability coefficient of 0.85.
The research results concluded: 1) there is positive correlation that
significant between utilization of learning facilities with mathematics
learning outcome (rhit=0,58), 2) there is positive correlation that significant
between independence learning with mathematics learning outcome
(rhit=0,54), 3) there is positive correlation that significant between
utilization of learning facilities and independence learning with
mathematics learning outcome (Rhit=0,73), each at a significance level of


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How to Cite

Pancarita, & haryani, D. (2021). The Correlation Utilization Of Learning Facilities and Learning Independence With Mathematics Learning Outcome Of Grade VIII Students In Islamic Junior School. Jurnal Pendidikan, 21(2), 118–126.