Peer Review Process
Role of Reviewer
Research articles submitted to this online journal are peer-reviewed. The role of reviewers in reviewing manuscripts written by fellow scientists is a privilege. However, it is a responsibility that demands thought and time-consuming. Therefore, the Editorial Board, authors and the audience appreciate your willingness to accept responsibility and dedication. Accepted research articles will be available online (free download) following the journal's peer-review process.
The articles have been accepted will be available online (free download) following the journal's peer-review process.
The double-blind peer-review process is fast and fair, and also ensures high-quality articles. This process requires critical and constructive analysis and reviewer comments for the quality of the manuscript. Reviewers give time duration of 2 weeks, starting from the date of sending in the email to complete the manuscript review and send back to the editor the manuscript files and assessment sheets.
Maintaining Jurnal Pendidikan is a high-quality scholarly journal depends on reviewers with a high level of expertise and the ability to be objective, fair, and insightful in the evaluation of manuscripts.
In reviewing a manuscript, you should consider the following:
- Review the manuscript critically, but constructively and prepare detailed comments on the manuscript to help writers improve their work.
- Provide all necessary information within the specified deadline.
- Making recommendations to the editor regarding the suitability of the manuscript for publication in the Journal of Education.
- Declare to the editor any potential conflicts of interest concerning the author or the content of the manuscript they are asked to review.
- Report possible research errors.
- Suggest alternative reviewers if they are unable to review the manuscript for any reason.
- Treating manuscripts as confidential documents.
- Do not use the work described in the manuscript.
- Do not communicate directly with the author, if they identify the author.
- Not identifying with the author.
- Do not forward the manuscript assigned to other reviewers.
- Ensure that the manuscript is of high quality and an original work.
- Notifies the editor if he finds an assigned manuscript being considered in another publication to his knowledge.
- Making comments for publications related to the manuscript being reviewed
The following items to be reviewed:
- The novelty of the topic.
- Originality.
- Scientific reliability.
- Valuable contributions to science.
- Adding new aspects to existing fields of study.
- Ethical aspects.
- The structure of the articles submitted and their relevance to the writing guidelines.
- References are provided to support content.
- Grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
- Analyses, syntesis, and conclusion
(aspects of this review described to ensure the quality of the manuscript)