Implementation Of Contrastive Analysis To Overcome The Difficulties of Learning English Pronunciation Sub-Skill


  • Ristati Universitas Palangka Raya
  • Bahing universitas Palangkaraya
  • Lesly Martha universitas Palangkaraya
  • Maida Norahmi universitas Palangkaraya


Kata Kunci:

Contrastive Analysis, Learning Difficulties, English Pronunciation Sub-Skill


This research was conducted to investigate and understand pronunciation problems, which is the sub-skill of speaking in the first semester students of the UPR FKIP English Education Study Program through contrastive analysis. The purpose of this study was to analyze pronunciation errors in English words and the causes of the errors made by students who were the research subjects. The design used in this study to present the data is descriptive qualitative. The results of data analysis were classified into consonant errors (consonants), vowels (vowels), and vowels (diphthongs) and the causes why these errors occured.

Based on the results of data analysis, the English segmental sounds that were difficult to pronounce by students of the English Education Study Program semester I in the academic year 2020/2021 were (1) long vowels or tense vowels (i:, u:, ?:, ?:, ?:]; (2) short vowels soundor lax vowels low vowel sound [æ], and neutral vowel (schwa) [?]; (3) the sound of diphthongs (double vowels), namely rising diphthongs [??] and falling diphthongs [??], [e?], and [??]; and (4) fricative consonant sounds [f, v, z, ?, ð, ?, ?].

The causes of difficulty in learning pronunciation of English segmental sounds are (1) differences in Indonesian and English sound systems and (2) lack of knowledge of the English sound system.


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Cara Mengutip

Ristati, Bahing, Lesly Martha, & Maida Norahmi. (2021). Implementation Of Contrastive Analysis To Overcome The Difficulties of Learning English Pronunciation Sub-Skill. JURNAL PENDIDIKAN, 21(2), 139–156.